Summer Safety & Wildlife

Whistler Olympic Park is an outdoor mountain venue. As such, certain hazards can be expected such as extreme weather conditions and wildlife encounters. It is recommended that visitors dress for changing weather conditions and wear sturdy footwear. Within our opening hours, check-in with our team at the Day Lodge who can help identify hazards and recommend activities around the venue suitable for your group.
Contact / Emergency Information:
- General information: 604-964-0059 or email us
- On-site Emergency / Patrol: 778-228-4586 (dial 911 after hours)
Campground Guidelines & Safety
🔥The campfire ban, which comes into effect at noon on July 12, 2024, will apply to every area of B.C. Only propane BBQ's are permitted for cooking.

General Safety
For your safety and the safety of our staff and athletes please abide by the following guidelines:
- Keep pets on a leash at all times.
- Watch out for roller ski athletes on the paved trail network.
- Our walkways can be steep and slippery.
- Stay on the path
Visitors found breaching any of the above Safety or Bear Aware rules may be asked to vacate the premise.
Wildlife/Bear Awareness
We are privileged to share our venues with all kinds of wildlife, including bears. Please help us to keep them wild and safe. Do NOT feed them or try to pet or pose for a photo with an animal! Instead, please act responsibly:
Do not disturb wildlife:
Give wild animals space (at least 100 meters - approximately one football field) and do not approach for a photograph or a closer look. Bears and other wildlife may react aggressively if they feel threatened, so never leave children and dogs unattended/out of sight, and keep dogs leashed at all times. Stay alert and avoid surprising wildlife, make your presence known by talking, singing, or calling out every once in a while.
If you encounter a bear, stay away!
Do not approach bears or make direct eye contact. Instead back away slowly preferably in the direction you came, and give the bear space. In most cases, the bear will leave the area. Pick up small children and stay in a group. If the bear is still a distance away, stay away and leave the area or detour around the bear, ensuring that it has an escape route. Never pass between a mother and her cub(s). Walk, do not run, and keep your eye on the bear to monitor its reaction. By keeping your distance you can reduce bear stress. A stressed is dagerous.
Do not feed wildlife!
It is illegal to feed wildlife in Canada, especially bears, either intentionally or unintentionally. All garbage must be disposed of in bear-proof containers available throughout our venue. Wildlife finds their healthiest food in their natural environment, but once they become accustomed to being fed by people, they stop looking for natural food sources and lose their fear of humans. These, no longer "wild" animals often pay with their lives for human mistakes, when they become unpredictable and aggressive.
If you want to learn more about bears, the following sites are great resources:
Notify Guest Services (604-964-0059), the camp hosts or patrol/emergency only (778-228-4586) if you have concerns about wildlife/bears on the venue

Keeping Bears Wild & People Safe
An electric bear fence has been installed around the RV & Camping area of the Whistler Olympic Park. The fence helps keep bears wild and alive, and people safe.. Although the fence maintains a minimum voltage of 7000 volts, the current is very low and pulses.
This combination ensures that a disturbing shock is delivered, but a person touching the smooth fence wires will not be harmed. Signs on the fence carry international symbols that warn it is electric and not to touch it. Please supervise your children near the fence.
To enter the fenced area of the campground, you can either drive through a vehicle access gate, open a pedestrian access gate, or go through the day lodge.
Please refer to the Campground Map for gate locations.
Campground Electric Fence Q & A
Is it safe to bike or walk across the Vehicule Access Gate of the bear fence?
Although it is safe to drive or walk over the bear electric drive over pads wearing shoes with a rubber sole, we highly recommend that people use PEDESTRIAN access gates located by P1 and the day lodge. DOGS should NOT cross vehicle access gates as they will receive a shock.
The Electric Bear Shock Mat consist of high density polymer isolation base with a metal conductive top surface. When a bear approaches and steps on the mat with a front paw its rear paws are still in contact with the ground. This closes the circuit and a safe but sharp shock is delivered from the fence energizer to the bear.
What should I do if I see a bear or other large animal inside the fence?
Report all bear and large wildlife sightings immediately to park staff. In the unlikely event that you observe a bear, stay calm. Be prepared to get in your vehicle or a secure building. If possible, warn other campers of the bear’s presence. Stay away from the bear.
Is it OK for campers inside the fenced area to leave out wildlife attractants like coolers, pet food or garbage when not at their site?
No! It is vital that wildlife attractants be strictly managed inside and outside the fence.
What is my child or dog touches the electric bear fence?
The fence carries a high-voltage and a low amperage pulsing electric current - touching or brushing up against the fence will give a strong and painful shock but presents no danger to humans or pets.
What to Do if You See a Bear
The below tips have been taken from the Coast to Cascades Grizzly Bear Initiative website and given a Whistler-specific tweak where relevant.
- Stop, speak in a calm voice and back away slowly. Check the area for bear cubs and other bears as you do. Never go near a bear cub, as it may provoke the mother bear to attack.
- DO NOT RUN as it could trigger the bear’s natural instinct to chase.
- Raise your arms above your head to look as big as possible.
- Recognize the signs of a bear attack. A bear that is growling, popping its jaw, or has its ears laid back is warning you that you’re too close.
- Bears will often bluff charge, stopping short of actual contact. As hard as it sounds, don’t panic; running, waving your arms, or attacking the bear will only provoke it.
- If you are attacked by a defensive bear (defending food, cubs, or making lots of noise prior to an attack) drop to the ground face down and try to protect your stomach and vital organs. You have invaded the bear’s space; it’ll threaten you, knock you down and leave.
Read more at Be Bear Aware in Whistler

Bear Safaris in Whistler Olympic Park
The park is home to a population of black bears and we can view them from a distance in the safety of the vehicle. You guide will search for bears foraging for their meals in spectacular back-country scenery. Experience the park like it’s your own private oasis. Drive to the top of the world famous Olympic Ski Jumps and brave the gatehouse for a gold-medal glimpse of a one-of-a-kind panoramic mountain and valley view. These tours are your authentic opportunity to head into the wild with adventurers and highly educated guides.
Photo credit: Jason Coleman / Whistler Photo Safaris